Training Programs Unlike Any Other…

At Athletic Kinetics, our programs are developed by Doctors of Physical Therapy and running biomechanical specialists.

Exclusively research-based. Scientifically proven. Results driven.

Most importantly, our process will help you design your CUSTOMIZED technique, which will deliver the best results for you, your body, and your goals.

Find your form and rediscover your runs!

Check out our ‘TransForm’ Running Gait Analysis by clicking the link below.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to INSTANTLY have the ability to break your PR’s, or at the snap of your fingers make the pain just disappear?

Well, as you already know… unfortunately that’s NOT how it works.

If you’re serious about running faster and longer than ever before (and WITHOUT pain holding you back), you already know there is no magic solution.

If you want to reach your highest level of fitness and experience that incredible feeling of accomplishment after you’ve hit all of your goals, it doesn’t come easily.

Runners are highly driven individuals who are willing to put in the effort and do the things it takes to get the result.

…But if you’re not equipped with the right knowledge and skills, you can be led down a path of plateaus, pain, and frustration, knowing that you’re not running to your full potential.

In pouring over countless research articles, working with many runners, and analyzing what was holding back their performance as well as increasing injury risk, we discovered surprisingly common themes:

  1. They weren’t regularly practicing their form

  2. They failed to customize their technique to their body and their mechanics

  3. Their form was biomechanically inefficient (meaning energy was being wasted)

  4. And even worse… their form was placing significantly more impact force on their body!

These problems were exactly what we set out to create solutions for, and the results our runners have gotten has BLOWN US AWAY.

Our programs are entirely research based, scientifically proven, and tested extensively to deliver the best possible outcomes.

Additionally, what really separates our results from all other methods is that we teach you how to:

  1. Customize your running technique to YOUR body and YOUR goals

  2. Use motor learning principles to Make LASTING changes

If you follow our programs step by step, you’ll not only see your performance take off to new heights, but you’ll feel great and enjoy your runs more than ever before!

Click the button below to learn more and start your analysis!