Want to increase your mileage, run faster and longer, and run pain-free?
You’ve come to the right place! Athletic Kinetics is your go-to resource for next-level running form and technique training.
Check out our story below!
“Pain-free running has changed my life and opened up a lot of opportunities for me... What Athletic Kinetics has done for me is I can chase my dream now.”
What Athletic Kinetics is all about
The Co-Founders of Athletic Kinetics
“How can Runners like us, who are driven individuals with busy jobs, busy lives, and don’t always have the luxury of time... how do we maximize our training to reach our highest level of fitness, WITHOUT letting pain and injury hold us back or keep us down? That is the question, and here you will find the answers you seek. Welcome to the Athletic Kinetics community!”
Athletic kinetics was founded by three great friends, Chris Campbell, Daniel Strauss, and Austin Webster.
After meeting in graduate school, we knew someday we would do something special together. Something that would have a huge impact on so many athletes.
Each of us are Doctors of Physical Therapy, Running Biomechanical Specialists, avid runners and athletes ourselves, and hyper-focused on ONE THING… helping runners exceed their goals and realize their true potential.
We live for this. It’s the fuel to our fire. NOTHING gets us more excited than hearing from our athletes’ successes.
We committed to the vision…
And Athletic Kinetics was born!
How Athletic Kinetics Helps You Run Without Pain and With Higher Performance
Our ultimate goal is to serve runners by taking the complex research (that they don’t have the time to find or biomechanical knowledge to apply) and creating a practical step-by-step process that they could QUICKLY and EASILY integrate into their runs.
We want to put the power into YOUR hands so that you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need to reach your goals.
Our unique education, knowledge, and experience is what allows us to deliver content of the highest quality.
We combine our education from our Doctorates in Physical Therapy, clinical experience, and thorough review of research to use principles of:
Applied Functional Anatomy
Running Biomechanics
Motor Learning (retraining the nervous system)
Applied Physics
Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
As well as our experience and expertise in sports performance for training professional, semi-professional, and recreational athletes with:
Technique Analysis and Coaching
Optimizing Movement Patterns
Sport-Specific Strength and Conditioning